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['i:ʤɪs] n
gen. štit; zaštita; pokroviteljstvo
fig. neprobojna odbrana (греч. aigis)
law, lat. okrilje; egida; patronat; sponzorstvo
pokroviteljstvo aegis ['i:ʤɪs] n
econ. zaštita
 English thesaurus
AEGIS ['i:ʤɪs] abbr.
abbr. Advanced Electronic Guidance and Instrumentation System
abbr., ed. An Educational Geographical Information System; The Association Of Educational Guardians For International Students
abbr., el. AEW/ground environment integration system; an existing generalized information system
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Alien Extermination Global Intercept System
abbr., health., med. Aids Education Global Information System
abbr., med. AIDS Education Global Information Service; A European Genebank Integration System; Adverse Event Global Information System (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. Airborne Early Warning/Ground Environment Integration Segment; Air Electronic Guidance Information System; AEW Ground Interpretation Segment
abbr., mil., air.def. US shipboard integrated anti-aircraft warfare combat weapons system
abbr., mil., avia. acquisition agent; advanced engine/gearbox integrated system
abbr., monk. Alliance of Eclectic Gamers and Interactive Storytellers
abbr., progr., IT Agent Engineering For Generation Of Information Systems
abbr., scottish Advanced Engine / Gearbox Integrated System; Airborne Early Warning Ground Integration Segment
abbr., tradem. Associated Electric Gas Insurance Services
Aegis ['i:ʤɪs] n
USA A ship-based combat system that can detect, track, target, and engage air, surface, and subsurface threats, including ballistic missiles on some modified ships (JP 3-01)
AEGIS ['i:ʤɪs] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. agricultural, ecological and geographical information system; assessment of effectiveness of geologic isolation
abbr., space airborne early warning/ ground environment integration segment; Alaska Environmental Geographic Information system
abbr., tech. advanced electronic guidance information system; airborne early-warning ground integrated system
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